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The Screening Room
The Screening Room
web & promos
web & promos
oldies but goodies
oldies but goodies
BEHIND THE ICE WALL in Ladakh, India for Canal+, ZDF and Discovery. This is about Tibetan children in the hidden Himalayan kingdom of Zanskar. When King Nima Norbu realizes that the modern world will never come to them, he arranges for children to take the 100 mile journey down the frozen Zanskar River to the city of Leh, where they will attend school. In temperatures of -40F, sleeping in caves, one mis-step is a life and death matter. 50m
GHOSTS OF THE KILLING FIELDS in Cambodia for Discovery. A Cambodian hill tribe is finally able to perform a ritual they haven't practiced in decades, to rid their midst of bad spirits left over from the days of Pol Pot's killing fields, and a B52 that crashed near their homes. 50m
HUGO CHAVEZ'S BLACK MAGIC in Venezuela for HDNet. Every Columbus Day aka Day of the Indigenous People, 10,000 people gather on a mountainside in Venezuela, where they are possessed by historical deities in the name of Maria Lionza. This is the largest trans-possession cult in South America. Filmed in 2007 in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, 40m
THE NEW RASPUTIN in Vladivostok and Novosibirsk for Channel 4 UK. Spiritual awakenings sweep the former Soviet Union with the fall of Communism. Nearly 100 years after the Revolution, the notorious Boris Zolotov, a mathematician and self-proclaimed sex-guru, ties past traumas to the ecstacy of new beginninggs, by bringing roomfuls of women to orgasm using telepathy. 40m